2014年11月27-28日Low Power Flow HLD培训
天津滨海集成电路设计服务中心将于2014年11月27日至28日两天举办Low Power Flow HLD的培训课程,课程由Synopsys经验丰富讲师授课,以帮助IC工程师进一步掌握IC设计技巧。 欢迎各IC企业工程师报名参加。
In this workshop, you will perform high-level design steps necessary to synthesize, analyze, and verify a multi-voltage design with shutdown requirements using the IEEE 1801 UPF-based Synopsys Eclypse Low-Power Flow. You will:
Identify the library requirements to implement a MV low-power design
Create, modify, interpret, and apply power-intent (UPF) files
Correctly specify PVT requirements for MV low-power optimizations
Perform low-power RTL synthesis using top-down and hierarchical UPF methodologies
Generate a gate level design that is MV-clean
Insert power-domain aware scan chains
Check for logic equivalence of RTL and gate-level designs
Conduct static timing analysis on the pre-layout design
Analyze average and peak power consumptions
Verify the results of running MV rule checks on the gate-level design
At the end of this workshop, using the Front-End Synopsys Eclypse Low-Power Flow, you should be able to perform the following high-level design objectives:
Create, interpret, and apply UPF files that capture the stated power intent requirements
Synthesize designs for the power intent and power-optimization requirements using both top-down and hierarchical UPF methodologies
Describe the effect of performing a supply-net-aware always-on synthesis
Insert scan chains taking into account the existing power domains while minimizing switching activity
Ensure that the gate-level design is MV clean
Ensure equivalence checking of logic functionality between RTL and gate- level using the design and UPF files
Perform static timing analysis
Generate peak and average power analysis reports/waveforms
Analyze gate-level design for MV rule violations
Write out all needed files for physical implementation
Audience Profile
Logic design and/or verification engineers who have a need to implement, analyze, and verify designs requiring the lowest possible power consumption using the Synopsys Front-End Eclypse Low Power Flow. CAD Engineers and Managers responsible for Low Power flow will also find this workshop beneficial.
To benefit the most from the material presented in this workshop, students need:
A basic working knowledge of Synopsys Design Compiler and PrimeTime tools. Working knowledge of the other Synopsys tools used (list at the end of course description) in the workshop is desirable, but not required, to complete this workshop
An awareness of the basics of low-power design techniques. This workshop teaches how to implement these techniques
Course Outline
Day 1
Introduction to Low Power Solution
Specifying Power Intent: UPF (Lab)
RTL Synthesis (Lab)
Hierarchical UPF Flow and DFT (Lab)
Day 2
Lab-4: Hierarchical UPF Flow and DFT (Lab Contd.)
Logic Equivalence Checking (Lab)
Static Timing and Power Analysis (Lab)
Multi Voltage Rule Checking (Lab)
上课时间:上午9:00-12:00 下午1:00-5:00
电 话:13752399226
邮 箱:zhangjj@innovateda.org